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McKinsey Case Study Prompt

A social enterprise wants to start micro finance in small state. Its primary goal is to assist poor communities.

Objective: Break Even, as long as we do not run a loss.

The client has hired us to look into the feasibility of this venture. You should approach this question from the cost of starting a micro finance bank

What is the variable cost involved in this venture? Lets make the assumption that fixed cost (labor, overhead) is not a concern as it will be paid for by corporation.

Overview of the Case

This McKinsey case study involves a social enterprise client that wants to start a micro finance bank to support poor communities in 3rd world regions. The client has asked you to identify the variable costs involved in the venture with the goal of breaking even.

Solve the case with the help of the Market Study Framework, but don’t use that framework alone. Firms want to see you create a custom structure for the case using your business acuity and case experience. Create the best possible framework that will help you solve the problem in the case.

This McKinsey case study will help you prepare for a final round interview with the firm. There are no math diagrams built into the case.

McKinsey Interview Pointers

McKinsey looks for candidates that are structured to the nth degree. In the case, focus on maintaining structure, i.e. organization, the entire way through the case.

Get the most out of the McKinsey case study by emphasizing your communication and overall “polish.” Imagine yourself presenting your final recommendation to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

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