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Case Preview

Case Prompt

Your client is a software maker that has one product.

  • Client goal: grow revenues
  • Product: Document authoring software (MS Word, etc)
  • Possible product segmentation considered: business vs. home products

The CEO would like to know whether the company should offer multiple products instead of one.

Case Overview

Start your case interview practice by reading through the case prompt. The client in the case is a software company that offers 1 product and is considering expanding its product line. Your job is to give them a yes/no recommendation.

We recommend that you apply the Market Study Framework to the problem in the case. However, do not become reliant on the basic case frameworks. For the best case interview practice, get creative and build a custom structure for the problem at hand.

Prepping for a first round at BCG? This problem is good case interview practice for that. There is 1 math exhibit that you’ll need to interpret inside the case.

BCG Interview Tips

Crush your BCG interview by focusing on the skills that the firm values. BCG is looking for candidates that are structured and are able to clearly communicate that structure.

Don’t forget that BCG doesn’t worry about your answer as much as they look at how you got to the answer.

Time yourself throughout the case: 2 minutes for structure, 5 minutes for math, 2 minutes for brainstorming, 2 minutes for your recommendation.

For quality case interview practice, schedule a session with an ex-MBB coach.

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Dramatically improve your chances of an offer: work with an MBB coach

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