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Case Preview

Case Prompt

You’ve made the final round with a small boutique consulting firm. Your final interview is with the CEO and she is concerned about the yield from offers made to students for summer internships.

She tells you they’ve had mixed results in acceptance rates over the past two years. This year they only have room for ten summer associates. Based on their size they are very concerned about having too many or too few acceptances.

Additional Information:

  • They are only making offers at Wharton.
  • Two years ago they had 50% acceptance rate.
  • Last year they had an 80% acceptance rate.
  • The company is only two years old

She asks you how many offers they should make (including the one she’s obviously going to make to you).

Case Overview

Case study questions like this market sizing question are meant to test your analytical and critical thinking abilities. Can you crack the case?

The case study question being asked of you here relates to a consulting firm. The CEO wants to know how many job offers to extend this year.

There are 2 ways to solve market sizing case study questions: via the top-down or bottom-up approach. It’s up to you to decide which angle you like better.

There are typically 4 steps involved in Market Sizing cases:

  1. Build your structure (5 steps or more is best)
  2. Make assumptions
  3. Do the calculations
  4. Get to an insight

Time to solve the case!

Interview Tips

We recommend that you use market sizing case study questions to start off your case interview practice.

Work through them until you are able to break them down quickly and get to an insight in 5 minutes or less.

After you run through the case, do a quick audit of your performance. Identify 1 area that you can improve upon going forward.

Book an hour with an expert coach today for out-loud case practice.

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