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Case Preview

Case Study Prompt

Our client is the federal taxation authority in Malaysia. There is only one taxation authority in Malaysia and all taxes are managed by this national body.

The taxation authority raises funds for the federal government by administering approximately 15 national taxes including a value added tax, income tax, corporation tax and payroll tax. The exact number of taxes isn’t important for this case.

The CIO of the taxation authority is concerned because she has been unable to keep IT spending under budget for the past 3 years.

We are here to help the CIO determine the underlying issue and determine how we can resolve this.

How would you go about helping the CIO to identify the cause of this issue?

Case Study Overview

Start this sample case interview by reading through the case prompt. The client in the case has been unable to keep IT spending under budget in recent years. You’ve hired to find the root issues and resolve the problem.

Build a framework for the sample case interview by incorporating your knowledge of the case frameworks and your own business acumen. The best case interview candidates don’t just try to stick a business problem into a framework, but build a custom structure tailored to the problem at hand.

This is an advanced level case that is the equivalent of a final round case you would see at Booz Allen Hamilton. You will be asked to interpret several tough math exhibits inside the case.

Booz Allen Hamilton Interview Tips

Booz Allen prizes excellent presentation and interpersonal skills in its case interview candidates. Impress your interviewer by demonstrating an ability to clearly communicate your way through the case.

In this sample case interview, focus on your overall level of “polish” inside the case. If it helps, imagine presenting your solution to the CEO of the company.

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