Strategy Canvas: Charting a Company’s Future

The strategy canvas has become something of a go-to process to guide companies through the difficult and fraught process of strategic planning. Still, there are many companies and consultants who remain unfamiliar with the strategy canvas and the potential it…

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How to Overcome Procrastination

Cramming to finish important tasks at the last minute or moving deadlines back? You have likely entered the dangerous waters of procrastination. Knowing how to overcome procrastination is an extremely important trait possessed by highly effective leaders. If you find…

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Matrix Management: Benefits, Challenges, & Examples

Today’s fast paced environment of digital disruption brings new challenges that necessitate updated systems to effectively facilitate growth. In a constantly evolving environment, workers need to be able to function in a structure that works for them. Enter: matrix management.…

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Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis is one of the most important things anyone in the business world can do as they prepare to start any new project. In business, as in life, no one is an island. You may have started your career…

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Decision Making Models

Decision making models are a structured way for organizations or individuals to make decisions. A decision-making model is a framework that identifies the benefits and drawbacks of different options in order to help determine the best choice. It has been…

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Decision Making Process for Effective Decisions

We make what feels like a million little decisions each day. From the moment we get up and pour our first cup of coffee, we’re making decisions. There are obviously some decisions that require more strategy and contemplation than others,…

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How to Leverage Social Capital

Social capital: what is it, and how can you leverage it? Social capital is like a savings account you build over time through relationships. This savings account yields powerful connections and strong networks. Learning how to build and leverage social…

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Mindfulness Meditation: A Workplace Benefit

Mindfulness is one of the newest business buzzwords around the proverbial water cooler. If you are a Type A personality like us, you may have the idea that mindfulness involves sitting cross-legged for hours trying (and most likely failing) to…

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What Is the GROW Coaching Model?

The GROW coaching model was created in the United Kingdom by Sir John Whitmore in the 1980s. It is one of the world’s most popular coaching methods to identify ways to solve problems and achieve goals and is appreciated for…

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What Is Critical Thinking Skills?

Critical thinking is critical – pun intended – in today’s problem-riddled workplace. Every single day we are faced with issues that require us to dig deeper than the surface level in order to find the solutions we need. That requires…

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