Digital Commerce

For decades, the consumer landscape has been dominated by eCommerce. Let’s define cCommerce as the use of the internet for the buying and selling of products and services. But increasingly, the landscape has been trending toward something called digital commerce.…

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Big 8 Accounting Firms

In today’s world of massive accounting firms, most people are familiar with the elite at the top. The four largest globally are known as the “Big 4”. But have you heard of the Big 8 Accounting firms? What you might…

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Economies of Scale

Economies of scale are talked about often in the world of investing, private equity, and consulting. More and more businesses face pressure to grow into the global marketplace if they hope to survive. But what exactly are economies of scale?…

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Capex vs. Opex

At some point in your business career (hopefully sooner rather than later) you’ll find yourself wondering – what is the difference between capex vs. opex? Whether you want to run a business yourself, understand how a business you work for…

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Big 4 Audit Clients

Big 4 audit clients are what arguably make the largest audit companies in the world worth working for. These companies, as you may already know, are Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young, and KPMG. A staggering 100% of the Fortune 500…

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