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Tufts University

Proud Partner School
Medford, MA

A university is more than just a group of buildings where you go to class. Tufts students spend 15 hours a week in class, leaving 153 hours for joking with friends in the dining hall, going back for seconds (and thirds), attending concerts in Boston, doing studies with teachers, reading on the Prez Lawn, relaxing, and, of course, doing their homework.

Full Time Tuition: $60,862 per year


Degrees Offered

Tufts is a student-centered research institution, which means we like to delve deeply into our interests and find stuff out for ourselves, whether it’s using silk to rebuild tissue or spending a completely funded summer studying the political ramifications of Shakespeare’s plays through the Summer Scholars program. Students and professors come together, across disciplines, to ask questions and create meaning.

Check out this link for more information on degrees offered.

419 Boston Avenue
Medford, MA 02155