I’m back!

I’ll admit, Management Consulted has been somewhat stale over the past year – very little new content, no new products, no improvements to the site’s look/feel. Quite a few of you guys shared your disappointment, and it was completely deserved.

One of my favorite comments:

“Have you dropped off the face of the earth?? I sincerely hope that for the last 6 months, you haven’t been just relaxing in Bali or some other obscenely nice Pacific Island sipping coconut juice and mai thais on the beach…although that would be great marketing material for why to get a job at McKinsey!”

That’s all about to change. I mean it.

Mea culpa and an introduction

The reason why this site sort of froze over the past year was because I completely invested in a new project – creating iPhone applications! Along the way, we launched one app (CauseWorld) which has now donated more than $1M to 30+ charities. We recently launched another app (shopkick) which will revolutionize the shopping world and works with Best Buy, Macy’s, American Eagle, among others.

If you have an iPhone, download both and tell me what you think!

About a week ago, I left that team, so I could go back to building my own websites once again. And the one which I’ve neglected the most has been this one.

Along the way, I also added a few members to our team. Some of you have been fortunate enough to work directly with them already through resume editing and interview prep. They are:

Jenny Rae – Jenny joined our team this year. She graduated from the University of Virginia and then joined Bain Consulting after traveling around the world, writing a book, working on financial public policy in South Africa and sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. In short, she’s done everything we all wish we could do, but never get around to :) At Bain, Jenny Rae worked primarily in the U.S. for companies covering health care to entertainment to financial services to death care, and since leaving to co-found a company she has pursued global entrepreneurship and advised over 45 different early- and mid-phase companies around the world.

Jerry Chi – I’ve known Jerry since our Stanford undergraduate days, where he majored in Management Science & Engineering. He joined Management Consulted in 2009. Jerry worked at two bulge-bracket investment banks, as well as consulting, and also started his own firm in Beijing focused on investing in global capital markets.

Our team will be working closely to make this site the best it can be, and most importantly, help you land management consulting jobs!!

Hint of things to come

Given my newfound time, and an awesome new team, here’s a taste of what’s coming:

New articles! From using LinkedIn to find jobs, to more interviews with consultants from leading firms around the world, to titles like “Why management consulting is the worst career move after college”. I’m excited to get back into writing mode

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) guide to the perfect, consulting-ready resume and cover letter! For those who can’t afford our personalized services, or simply want expert guidance in dramatically improving your key docs for the recruiting process (resume and cover letter) – it’ll include checklists of do’s and don’ts, easy-to-use templates (just copy and paste away :), examples of the best resumes we’ve ever seen, and even videos showing exactly how we do the editing ourselves. Stay tuned.

Job board + job postings! We’re constantly contacted by recruiters looking to hire, and we know the ultimate goal for every reader is to land a consulting job. The job board will collect all the opportunities we hear about, and best of all its free!

Management Consulted e-newsletter – over the next 2-3 weeks, you’ll be able to signup for a free e-newsletter written personally by our team. It’ll cover topics presented here on the site in more depth, as well as offer exclusive articles, tips, and insights that you won’t find anywhere else. We know people like to get their info in many ways, and this is just another avenue for us to provide you compelling education on how to land, and then kick ass, at your consulting job

So here’s my ask of you

Thanks for reading through this. I’m excited for what’s coming, and I hope you are too! I need your help on a few things:

1. What do you guys want to see the most over the next year? Let me know, and we’ll make it happen. It can be anything from a feature to an article topic…whatever you feel you need the most help with

2. What burning questions do you have right now about consulting, the lifestyle, the firms, etc? I plan to do a MASSIVE FAQ post in the next few days.

3. If you’re on Facebook, please like my site and posts!! This is huge for helping me grow the site, which has been driven so much by your word of mouth

Comment away, and thanks again to all of you – none of this would be possible without your readership.


Filed Under: consulting jobs