The Consulting Bible giveaway and important site updates

Hi all – frequent visitors will notice that the site has intermittently disappeared in the past 2 days. After a poor experience with Dreamhost’s hosting services, I’ve moved the site over to Bluehost in the hopes of eliminating server issues that were causing the problem.

Giveaway alert

This week, I’m releasing the 2nd edition of The Consulting Bible. More details to follow on what this update includes, but in anticipation of that release I’m giving away 5 copies of the interview guide.

Just email me with 3 suggestions on how this site can improve. They can be small (eg, “make the font size larger” or big “add a forum for discussions“). The top 5 responses win!

Site updates

In addition to the consulting interview guide, I’ve been hard at work on the Consulting Jobs Toolkit. It’s going to be huge. 114 consulting firms, more than 600 contacts throughout the consulting industry, and 25 pages of detailed networking strategies including call scripts and email templates. Expect more details in the coming week.

Many of you have noticed the new Twitter widget in the right navigation bar. I’ve used Twitter infrequently in the past, and decided to convert my personal account into a Management Consulted-focused account. While I haven’t posted much recently, expect lots of Twitter updates soon with topics like resume pointers, useful consulting blogosphere resources, and the like. Follow me here.

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It’s worth mentioning that Management Consulted was recently named one of the Top 100 MBA blogs from While not the most prestigious award in the known universe, it’s this site’s first honor of any kind so I’m feeling quite proud.

That’s all, folks. The Consulting Summer Internship series will continue tomorrow.

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Filed Under: consulting jobs