Winter 2014 East Coast Tour Recap

On our January 2014 Consulting Bootcamp tour, we travelled to several universities up and down the East Coast – Duke, Georgia Tech, UGA, Penn, Harvard, McGill, Dartmouth, Columbia, and Cornell.


In the beginning of the trip, Jenny Rae was intern-less. What did this mean? No pictures!

By way of a quick words-only recap, we made our way back to Duke and got to train 30 eager sophomores and juniors preparing for their first interview season. It was a beautiful Sunday, and the only real excitement was the day before – we got evacuated onto the lobby level of our hotel with 80MPH+ winds and major tornado warnings.

After the bootcamp, we hit the road to make it most of the way to UGA, where we had the opportunity to host a 2-hour bootcamp for Terry students; every single seat was full, we had a great visit, and we look forward to going back to Dawg territory for a bit longer next time.

In Atlanta, we got to spend 8 whole hours at Georgia Tech – we were so impressed by the amazing work experiences the students there are exposed to! After a full day (8 hours) of interview training, our group had bonded big-time. Next up – a quick 2-day break for Jenny Rae to be a bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding.

On MLK, we started up again..and we were kicked out of class at Wharton! Why? The room we started off in could only seat ~85 people and over 170 showed up to our Consulting Bootcamp Lite. Despite the adventures we had with the room changes, we ended up with 170 students the whole time and still had a great evening (and dinner) thanks to the Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club.

After some delicious Thai food with the leaders of WUUC, we caught a flight to Boston where we were greeted by snowfall and 8F (-13C) weather. The next day we held an 8-hour consulting bootcamp with a small group of bright students from the Harvard College Consulting Group.

For those who don’t know about our Consulting Bootcamps, here is the agenda (you’ll notice that “Lunch” is a working break so it’s actually a 9-hour day):

8:30-9AM – Registration

9AM – 10AM – The ultimate networking tool – your elevator pitch

10AM – 11AM – Structuring the fit interview

11AM – 12PM – Break-out sessions – networking and fit interviews

12PM – 1PM – Case Frameworks – becoming a case-opening expert

1PM – 2PM – Networking lunch (with homework!)

2PM – 3PM – Break-out sessions – case openings

3PM – 4PM – Case math and case closings

4PM – 5PM – Break-out sessions – mid/late cases

5PM – 6PM – The ultimate case practice plan, Q&A, and closing

After the bootcamp, we enjoyed a great pizza at the Russell House Tavern in Harvard Square.

Although it was snowing in Boston, it wasn’t cold enough for us – so we drove to Montreal where the temperature was -9F (-23C).

We hosted an 8-hour consulting bootcamp there in association with GMCA McGill. 30 graduate students attended.

Afterwards, GMCA McGill kindly brought us to the best poutine restaurant in Montreal…

… and to Juliet Et Chocolat (for the second time). FYI: The chocolate there is amazing!

The next day we stopped by Dartmouth for several meetings.

After meeting with students at Dartmouth, we headed to the Big Apple (New York City) where we held a Bootcamp Lite at Columbia University in partnership with the Columbia Undergraduate Consulting Club.

The next day, Sunday, was one of the the biggest days of the whole tour – we held our open 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square. A range of students – from freshman undergraduates to experienced hires – came ready to have consulting bootcamp fun (as much as you can on a Sunday when you’re prepping for consulting interviews).

On the last day of our tour, we returned to the tundra to meet with Cornell MBAs for a 2-hour bootcamp. After a quick 24 hours in Ithaca, we headed back to warmer California weather.


Thank you for tuning in for our East Coast tour recap. We are honored to help all of you pre-consultants and can’t wait to meet more of you later this year.

Speaking of later, we’re headed to Europe this April. You’ll know if we’re coming to your school (these events are private) – but if you haven’t heard about one that’s happening, make sure you invite us!

Finally, we’d love to present a private 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp on your campus and are now scheduling for 2014-2015. Please send us an email – we would be happy to set up a time to share about our Consulting Bootcamp Lite, Consulting Interview Bootcamp, and Consulting Week programs with you.

Filed Under: consulting clubs