2013 Canada Tour Recap – Ph.D.s, Snow and Vintage Chocolate

If this is your first time joining us, we’ve spent the last 5 months traveling to top colleges across the planet – check out news from our latest gallivants to the U.K., the Bay Area, and East Coast (HarvardYaleColumbiaGeorgetownDuke and Georgia Tech).


Our trip started off with a sparse few hours of sleep on two red-eye flights that brought us to Buffalo, NY.

After a long night of travels, we decided a stop at the highest rated breakfast café on Yelp was necessary. We soon found ourselves  at Break’n Eggs Creperie, where we had delicious crepes stuffed with bacon, chicken, and apples. It was an unusual but tasty start to our day.


Niagara Falls was our next pit stop. As consultants, we made sure to have our full share of consulting fun. We calculated the number of fish that die every year from going over the falls, the market size for a zip line tour of the falls, and ways for local street vendors to double their revenues. Okay, that might not be completely true. We might have actually just stopped briefly to enjoy the view.

After a 2-hour drive, we arrived in downtown Toronto. With a few moments to spare, we decided to take a quick tour of the University of Toronto. The architecture there was fascinating.

On the tour, we passed the Rotman School of Management. Apparently they offer a top MBA program there.

We also stopped by the largest library (in terms of size) in North America, the Robarts Library.


That evening we hosted a consulting bootcamp that attracted some of Canada’s brightest students. The students were part of the University of Toronto’s Business Association (UTBA).


The next day, we found ourselves engulfed in the French-speaking world of Quebec. Upon arriving in Montréal, we were pleasantly surprised by the number of friendly people we discovered. Despite the chill in the air, the Québécois are a warm and friendly bunch.

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That night we spoke with grad students from GMCA McGill. The room was packed. Afterwards, students came up to us with great questions and feedback. One MBA candidate said, “This is the best session I’ve ever attended. As an MBA student, I have attended many other sessions. This one was the most comprehensive.”

That night the leaders and members of GMCA McGill took us to a wonderful hole-in-the-wall restaurant named Schwartz’s (owned by Celine Dion). It was quite the experience of rye bread, savory fatty meat, fries, and black cherry coke.

After a great supper, it was unanimously decided that going to Juliette et Chocalat was the greatest option for dessert.

They had a whole menu of chocolate drinks there.  Not only was it chocolate heaven…

…but their staff had some of the best moustaches we saw on the whole trip.

Then, we decided to take a midnight hike in the snow to the top of Montréal where we enjoyed great city lights.

After that, we started driving back to Buffalo, NY, finally getting to sleep around 5 a.m.

For those of you who don’t know about our Bootcamps but would like to host one in the future, here is the agenda (you’ll notice that “Lunch” is a working break so it’s actually a 9-hour day):

8:30-9AM – Registration (we can start as late as 2PM)

9AM – 10AM – The ultimate networking tool – your elevator pitch

10AM – 11AM – Structuring the fit interview

11AM – 12PM – Break-out sessions -networking and fit interviews

12PM – 1PM – Case Frameworks – becoming a case-opening expert

1PM – 2PM – Networking lunch (with homework!)

2PM – 3PM – Break-out sessions – case openings

3PM – 4PM – Case math and case closings

4PM – 5PM – Break-out sessions – mid/late cases

5PM – 6PM – The ultimate case practice plan, Q&A, and closing

It was a crazy short tour, but thanks to all who came out to our sessions in the Canada – you made the trip wonderful for us. We’re excited to be back again soon (January 2014) – if we didn’t see you this time, invite us for a visit!


Thank you for catching up with us on our Canada tour recap – and thank you so much for making Management Consulted what it is. We are so honored to serve all of you pre-consultants, and can’t wait to meet more of you in the near future.

Speaking of the near future, we’re not done with the year yet…

We just capped off a trip to the Bay Area for a series of bootcamps this week (at Stanford and UC Berkeley), and we’re headed back to the East Coast in January 2014 and Europe in April 2014. You’ll know if we’re coming to your school (these events are private) – but if you haven’t heard about one that’s happening, make sure you invite us!

Next year’s spring Consulting Bootcamp schedule is up on Eventbrite as well – come meet us!

Finally, we’d love to present a private 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp on your campus. Please email us – we would be happy to come to you. Just one thing – our small group dynamic is critical, so we need a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 30 attendees on each Bootcamp day. We’ve been to 45 countries and counting, so don’t hesitate to invite us to come to you!

Filed Under: consulting clubs