Tour Recap – Day 7 (New York Consulting Bootcamp)

Welcome…to the final day, the crowning achievement, of our 2013 8-day East Coast (we counted our final travel day too). If you’re just joining us, check out Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown, Duke and Georgia Tech‘s highlights.


To check out a video with in-person testimonies, make sure to read on to the end of the article…

Despite all we’d seen and done on our tour already, Sunday was the biggest day of the whole tour – our 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.

NY - Meeting board

Our view from the Gilbert room – of some hip NYC icons – wasn’t enough to distract the incredible crew that gathered there. From those who signed up on the first day to our late-comers, everyone showed up ready to party (as much as you can on a Sunday when you’re prepping for consulting interviews).

NY - BootcampAs a part of the Bootcamp package, we currently offer our entire MC Book Bundle as well as a resume and cover letter edit to each person in attendance. Because our attendees had access to all of these resources, we could jump right in with the fit and case interviews.

For those of you who don’t know about our Bootcamps, here is the agenda (you’ll notice that “Lunch” is a working break so it’s actually a 9-hour day):

8:30-9AM – Registration

9AM – 10AM – The ultimate networking tool – your elevator pitch

10AM – 11AM – Structuring the fit interview

11AM – 12PM – Break-out sessions – networking and fit interviews

12PM – 1PM – Case Frameworks – becoming a case-opening expert

1PM – 2PM – Networking lunch (with homework!)

2PM – 3PM – Break-out sessions – case openings

3PM – 4PM – Case math and case closings

4PM – 5PM – Break-out sessions – mid/late cases

5PM – 6PM – The ultimate case practice plan, Q&A, and closing

Complete with 5 total breakout sessions, we started with Fit Interviews (along with partner practice) and moved on to Case Interviews about 1 hour before lunch. We kept militantly to the time, and the group stayed focused.

NY - BreakoutsSome of our personal favorite moments were the partner match-ups – when each person grabbed partners to practice parts of the case and fit interview with – and the HOT SEATS.

NY - Breakout2

Almost every person in the room got a chance to showcase skills going 1 v. 1 with Jenny Rae, and each one of them avoided crying (although one confessed that he wanted to!)

NY - Hotseat

Even our lunch break was awesome – we split up in groups of 4, and on our way to somewhere really cool and original, we stopped at the Hard Rock Café and ended up eating there – our first time in over 15 years!

We couldn’t believe how far each of the Bootcampers came in just 8 hours on a Sunday, but want to give a special shout-out to the group that made the day the magic that it was. Hugs and email exchanges later, we all headed off to normal life…but not before grabbing a few shout-outs from our former Bootcampers.

The day was almost done…but not quite. See, one of Jenny Rae’s best friends from college was directing one of New York’s most acclaimed performances of the year in Central Park.

NY - Central Park

So, we grabbed tickets at Will Call, gave one away to the most unusual, sweet and unsuspecting stranger we could find, and were taken on the ride of our lives at The Tempest, the Musical.

NY - BikeThe show featured 200 amateur actors and only 6 professionals – and with original music, funny costumes, and representation of people from all ages, races and socioeconomic classes in New York – was one of the most memorable pieces of live theater we have ever experienced.

NY - TempestLater, after a few beers with the cast, 1 long cab ride, and a delicious crepe – with a piece of cheesecake inside – behind us, our tour was at an end, and all that remained of our life-changing experience was the final travel day to head back to the office in California.

NY - HouseThank you all for joining us on this throwback tour journey – and thank you all for making Management Consulted what it is. We are so honored to serve the global consulting community, and can’t wait to meet more of you in the near future.


If you missed the initial installments of the tour recap, make sure you don’t miss our key announcements…

There is still time to join our 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp in San Francisco on September 21. If you don’t live in the Bay Area, fly in – we look forward to meeting you in person and are excited to offer this life-changing event.

Also, we’re planning a UK tour from October 21-27 – we need to schedule events at a minimum of 4 campuses to make the trip. Our guidelines: 60 attendees minimum, you book the room, and we have an absolute blast for 2 hours together walking through our FREE Bootcamp Lite lecture-based overview of Resumes/Cover Letters, Networking, Fit Interviews and Case Interviews. Email us for more details!

Finally, we’d love to present a private 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp on your campus (for 1+ days). Please email us – we would be happy to come to you. Just one thing – our small group dynamic is critical, so we need a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 30 attendees on each Bootcamp day. We’ve been to 45 countries and counting, so don’t hesitate to invite us to come to you!

Filed Under: consulting clubs