Tour Recap – Day 6 (Harvard)

Welcome back to Tour Throwback Week. We hustled up and down the U.S. East Coast, visiting Georgia TechDukeGeorgetown, and Columbia, Yale, and Harvard. Check out our adventures and misadventures before reading today’s post.

If you want a small group setting to accelerate your case interview performance (like, 0-60 in a day) join us next weekend in San Francisco – September 21 for our last 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp in the U.S. this year (includes a full resume/cover letter edit and our MC Book Bundle).


While most normal people were enjoying the fruit of their week’s worth of hard labor, we were pushing on – up at 8AM on Saturday to face the hordes of undergrads at the exceptionally-well-organized 4th Annual Harvard Consulting Conference.

Harvard - Flyer

While Julie conducted 2 resume reviews at a time in one room, Jenny Rae moderated a case interview panel with consultants from BCG, PwC, Analysis Group, Capital One and Oliver Wyman.

Harvard - resume review

One great question that was asked (via index card from the audience): “Is there a right answer in a case interview?” The answer might surprise you.

Harvard - networking

After a networking lunch, we shared a 1-hour large group resume workshop where we answered tough questions about low GPAs, relevant vs. irrelevant experience, and how to structure a cover letter. We could have kept going, but the evening wedding needed to take over our meeting room.

Harvard - resume workshop

Favorite quote of the day – “You guys are bringing something totally different and very fresh to the whole picture, and your session was the favorite of students.”

Harvard - plaque

All for the best – we had another event that afternoon! Before the event, we had the chance to lounge across some colorful chairs in Harvard Yard – our only moments of rest in the whole packed day.

Harvard - yard

The executive members of the Consulting Club met with us for a 2-hour presentation, but all of us were overworked and exhausted so we ended up eating a Qdoba taco bar, drinking absurd amounts of Dr. Pepper, and having an informal Q&A where they got their “real” consulting questions answered.

Harvard - small group

We were invited back for next year on the spot, and the students of Harvard are organizing a Consulting Bootcamp – hopefully in March or April next year.

Harvard - statue

We would have loved to hang out for longer, but we needed to rush off – it was back to New York for us.  As such, 1 T ride and a Megabus  later, we were on our way back to the Big Apple.

Harvard - BostonIt was pretty clear that only 2 out of 80 people were working on a Saturday night (I’ll let you guess who they were!). So, when we finally made it to a 3-week-old hipster hotel on Lex and 48th, Mr. Sandman was not far off.

Harvard - hotel Stay tuned for Sunday’s FINAL edition of the Throwback Tour recap….

Filed Under: consulting clubs