Tour Recap – Day 5 (Yale)

Welcome back to Tour Throwback Week. We’re recapping our lives as road warriors via planes, trains and automobiles…we visited Georgia Tech, Duke, Georgetown, and Columbia before rolling over to today’s campus…Yale.

If you missed us, we are generally funny. Go back through our previous posts and laugh with us.

If you are convinced that – on top of our expertise in consulting interviews – we’re also fun, come hang out with us next weekend in San Francisco – September 21.


We had the morning “off” on Friday in New York, which really just meant catching up with our standard full-time job – answering your emails, editing your resumes and cover letters and meeting with clients for interviews. After a quick spin through Grand Central station (where the Whispering Wall was a big hit), we rolled on – by train this time – to New Haven.

Yale - whispering wall

Our train ride was uneventful with the exception of the conductor, who was a joke-telling machine.

Yale - tracks


We decided to take the Yale Shuttle to the Business School, and ended up walking further than we had bargained for. It was a gorgeous day at Yale, but we were on a mission and on a deadline for a 4PM meeting.

Yale - view

The room, as all of them were, was totally packed with MBAs eager to learn about consulting – literally, every seat was full. A few were fresh to campus, but most have just returned from a great summer somewhere and are pondering consulting.

Yale - classroomOur 2-hour session was intense, and the questions were at a whole new level – we ended up breezing more through the overview of the industry and networking and resting longer on fit and case interviews.  We are excited to carry on the legacy – our host is connecting us with the leadership of the rising class to plan an event in the spring.

Yale - Sid

Favorite quote of the day – “This is the best overview of consulting I’ve ever heard. I came in confused, and left with a clear understanding of the industry and what I need to do.”


With a few hours to kill, we rocked the first Starbucks of the trip for 2 hours before grabbing a quick bite (duck breast wonton nachos with lime crema from Zinc, anyone?) and rolling back to the bus station.

Yale - Julie church

Sleep should have been next on the agenda, but we weren’t done with work for the day – too many edits to do! Thankfully, the bus driver energized Julie with his impressive knowledge of the history of the New England Patriots, and she caught a second wind.

Yale - Bus Station

Just before 1AM, we landed in Boston and cabbed it over to Cambridge for a night’s stay in our trip’s most comfortable bed at the Sheraton Commander. That’s right, y’all – it was Harvard time (1:20AM).

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Stay tuned for Saturday’s edition of the Tour recap….

Filed Under: consulting clubs