2013 MC Giveaway…win one of 16 FREE Interview Prep Sessions

For the next 3 weeks only we’re running a giveaway contest for MC readers. The prize? 16 total hours of intensive consulting interview prep with MC’s Managing Director and former MBB consultant, Jenny Rae. In other words, we’re giving away $3,200!

What the heck would we do that for? Good question. No, we’re not just extremely nice. Although we are extremely nice, we’re actually super intense when it comes to interview coaching. We’re looking for eager consulting candidates who want to take their interview skills to the next level…and who don’t mind being on camera.

Later this spring we’ll be launching our first video series, and we want to feature you – real people trying to break into management consulting. We’re holding a contest to give you a chance to try out for a star role in our video series. The winners of the contest will receive at least 1 FREE interview prep coaching session (1+ hours) as well as a FREE Consulting Case Bank + Consulting Bible ($95 value), and in exchange, you’ll grant us the rights to use the video recordings in our video series. We recognize that you’re investing your time, and that while the glory and fame of winning a global MC contest is nice, we want to give you something valuable in return – our expert advice for nailing your consulting interview that has helped others go on to get offers from Bain, McKinsey, Booz, Deloitte, and BCG.

How does it work?

To enter the contest, post a 1 minute MAX video on our Facebook page of you answering this popular interview question:

“What accomplishment are you most proud of and why?”

We picked this question for 2 reasons. First, this is one of the questions you could realistically be asked in a consulting interview, and second, it pushes you to demonstrate 3 key characteristics that are true of every good consultant – initiative, impact, and results – in 60 seconds or less.

What does a winning entry look like?

We’re not looking for perfect candidates with perfect answers. We’re looking for a variety of candidate types – from undergrads and MBAs to experienced professionals who have been in the biz for a decade. Some of you will be gorgeous and engaging, ready for a spot on NBC nightly news. Others will be socially awkward but really smart. We want to capture a variety of answers and a variety of interview skill levels from a variety of different cultures around the world – answers representative of our unique client base and the diverse set of new consultants hired every year.

Before posting your video, you should spend some prep time thinking about how you’ll formulate your answer and deliver your story. Give us something real – a response that you’d actually give in a consulting interview. You can use examples from personal, academic, or professional life, just keep in mind that personal examples shouldn’t be too personal (e.g., you quit smoking) and should relate back to the characteristics of a good consultant – leadership, teamwork, perseverance, etc.

We’re all about rewarding people who go the extra mile – so dress to impress! Get brownie points for being creative (but still within the parameters of a consulting interview) – e.g., talk a friend into role-playing as your interviewer.

How are the winner(s) chosen?

We may give away all 16 hours to one stellar contest winner (talk about jackpot!), or divvy up the 16 hours among 16 amazing entrants – and we reserve the right to do either. Either way, the chances of winning are great and the reward is even greater. 1 hour of interview prep usually costs $200 – this is your chance to get at least one of those coveted spots completely FREE.

Again, we’re looking for variety, so don’t shy away from entering just because you don’t think you have the greatest answer. The trick is to be genuine and show us who you are. Additionally, getting a lot of “Likes” on your video just might help sway the judges in your favor…

How do I enter?

It’s super easy.
1. Go to our Facebook page
2. Like us.
3. Post your 1 minute video on our page. Note – it may take 10-15 minutes for it to actually load, and it will show up under “Recent Posts by Others.”
4. Bonus: Have your friends like your video, too. It’s not a pure popularity contest, but popularity doesn’t hurt!

Contest closes at 11:59 PM PST on Thursday, February 28, so get your video posted before then. We’ll announce the winners by February 28 and will begin conducting interview prep via Skype or in person (depending on location) in March.

Want another chance to win big?

We all love contests, right? Well, all you contest fiends, visit Business Because, a world-class network for MBA prospects and grads and partner to MC.

You have 300 words or less to explain how you think the world will have changed by the time you retire. The author of the winning entry, selected by their highly-qualified panel of judges, wins a USD $1,000 cash prize AND a mentoring chat with a senior partner at Bain.  Can you say consulting networking magic?  The 10 best entries will win free copies of business book “Tomorrow’s World” and have the opportunity to publish your thoughts on BusinessBecause. Check it out!

Questions? Add them below or email us. Good luck to all the entrants!

Filed Under: Consulting Case Interview