Why Businesses Should Focus On The Top Line In Crisis

In a crisis, like what we’re experiencing with Covid-19, should businesses focus on the “top-line”, (gross sales), or the “bottom-line”, (profit after expenses)? Each have their own pros and cons, with long-term repercussions from each decision. So which should businesses…

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Boston Red Sox: The Business of Baseball

The Boston Red Sox are one of the most iconic teams in baseball. Yet, what about the business side of the game? What kind of business model do the Red Sox use to be profitable? What revenues does the team…

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Bain-Style Case Study: Lamp Market in Mexico

Listen on Strategy Simplified Former consultant Matt joins Jenny Rae for a Bain-style case walkthrough. He tackles a case piece-by-piece, so listen along to hear how he communicates his thought-patterns and drives to a recommendation. Finally, stick around to hear…

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Disney Plus: Is It Viable?

Many companies are coming out with their own streaming services, for some it makes sense, others maybe not. Disney+ is entering the foray and we wanted to look at their market entry from a strategy perspective. Does it make sense…

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Harley-Davidson: Riding Into The Sunset?

Listen on Strategy Simplified Harley-Davidson is one of the most iconic brands in American history, holding a hallowed place in American culture and cinema. Can you picture it? The open road in front of you, wind-swept hair, and a black…

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