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Cornerstone Research

San Francisco, CA

Cornerstone Research, Inc., a consulting company, provides testimony, and financial and economic analysis services in litigation and regulatory proceedings for the attorneys in the United States. The company identifies and supports expert witnesses; conducts research and analysis; and assists counsel in preparing for the depositions of opposing witnesses, and developing cross-examination questions, as well as offers commercial litigation and regulatory proceedings.

At Cornerstone Research, the firm drives success with a unique combination of resources, including a creative and strategic team, advance technology and research, and collaboration with academic and industry experts. The firm trains its team of consultants to utilize innovative problem-solving approaches in order to achieve unparalleled analytical depth. The firm collaborates with faculty experts who work within leading economics departments, business schools, and law schools in order to keeps the firm at the front of academic research. In addition, the firm leans on industry experts to share practical experience and business understanding.  Cornerstone Research is known for having a culture of growth and collegiality, which creates a dynamic work environment. The firm has a strong team-based approach to casework, which values a combination of individual initiative and collaboration. Employees often appreciate this approach because it gives them the opportunity to work alongside and learn from professionals in not only all levels of the firm, but also from a large network of leading industry and academic experts.

Position Keywords

  • Analyst
  • Sr. Analyst
  • Associate

Practice Areas

Lists of names and emails on each office site, eg: http://www.cornerstone.com/washington/


(650) 853-1660
1000 El Camino Real, Suite 250
Menlo Park, CA 94025-4327
8 offices (7 U.S., 1 international)
Firm Profile

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Cornerstone Research Salary
Undergraduate/Master’s Consultant Salary
  • Base: $97,000
  • Performance Bonus: up to $10,000
  • Total Cash: up to $107,000
  • Relocation: 100% of moving expenses; 4 nights in hotel while house hunting; all broker fees
  • Retirement: 50% match for first 6% of individual contributions in 401k
  • Signing Bonus: up to $15,000