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White Plains, NY

Satori Consulting is a management consultancy based in New York, NY, founded in 2002, that works with leading business to solve their most pressing problems and realize opportunities for growth. The firm deploys small teams of seasoned consultants who work alongside clients and are motivated by a sense of purpose. These small strategy teams refine business strategies, manage programs and complex projects, and ensure value creation through the optimization of organization, process, and technology. The firm aims to deliver insight, orchestrates change, add clarity, and align business objectives to attain measurable results.

The team at Satori enables clients to successfully manage and maintained heightened economic, competitive, and regulatory pressures – allowing clients to address their most challenging issues to create sustainable value and maximize impact. The teams at the firm are highly experienced and well-disciplined in the arts of efficiency, flexibility, and collaboration. A deep sense of sensitivity to each client’s corporate culture, risk tolerance, and situational constraints, allows the team to deliver results that meet specific clients’ needs and build lasting value.

 Specialties of the firm include: Portfolio Management, Organizational Effectiveness, Project, Program, Risk Management, Performance Management, Change Management, Project Management, Technology and Infrastructure, Strategy and Advisory, Cross Industry Expertise, and Business Process Engineering.


  • Hong Kong
  • London Area
North America
  • Boston
  • Chicago
  • New York Area
  • San Diego
  • Washington, DC Area
(914) 244-9363
4 West Red Oak Lane
Suite 105
White Plains, NY 10604
Satori Salary