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Beghou Consulting

Evanston, IL

Beghou Consulting is a global consulting firm based in Evanston, IL. The firm was founded in 1993 and has approximately 175 working professionals across locations in large U.S. cities including Boston, New York, Chicago, Durham, NC, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco. In addition, Beghou has an office in Hyderabad, India. The firm primarily provides marketing and sales force consulting services to clients in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.

Beghou Consulting offers strategic expertise to address sales and marketing issues and develops advanced analytic approaches to create decision-making practices for their clients. The firm values building long-term relationships with clients to continually develop innovative, high-profile products. The firm offers a partnership that brings innovative processes and strategies to advance sales force and marketing management.

The Beghou Consulting approach includes 4 key processes: immersion and market analysis, solution development, solution refinement, and implementation.

Immersion and market analysis includes studying client goals, challenges and market conditions. This addresses anything from formulary access trends, to competitor performance, to physician prescribing trends. The firm’s goal is to leverage data and market research to establish a strong foundation to build commercial solutions.

Solution development and refinement involves development and rigorous testing. Based on client needs and market challenges, Beghou constructs its solutions on data.

Before deploying a solution, Beghou collects and integrates feedback to adjust the solution to address changing needs, adding flexibility to market conditions.

During the implementation process, widespread adoption of commercial solutions is critical to ensure that sales professionals remain motivated focused on value-driven results. Beghou develops written materials and presents at sales meetings to expound on their strategic practices and underlying analytics of new approach to their client’s teams.

Leadership at Beghou includes lifelong management consultants, nuclear physicists, computer science experts, and mathematics experts. These professionals work with clients on everything from tactical execution to high-level strategy. With diverse skill sets and professional experiences, its team efficiently and effectively directs life sciences companies toward more efficient and higher-performing commercial operations.


  • Hyderabad
North America
  • Boston
  • Chicago
  • Durham
  • San Francisco Bay Area
  • Washington, DC Area
  • New York Area
[email protected], 847-864-5480
1880 Oak Ave, Suite 200, Evanston, IL 60201, US
Beghou Consulting Salary
Undergraduate/Master’s Consultant Salary
  • Base: $80,000
  • Performance Bonus: Eligible after first full calendar year
  • Total Cash: up to $80,000
  • PTO Vacation: 18 days
  • Retirement: Max 3.5% match
  • Signing Bonus: $10,000