Answer First Communication

It’s no secret that the news media begins broadcasts with the most attention-grabbing headlines possible and jumps straight into the meat of the content. The same style of communication is also highly effective in business – especially consulting – and…

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Emotional Intelligence in Business

Emotional… intelligence? Doesn’t that seem like a contradiction in terms? Wasn’t Mr. Spock’s cold emotional detachment what made the famous Vulcan so effective? Still, most people’s favorite boss is not the one with the most technical aptitude. It was the…

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Top 6 Leadership Skills for Managers

We’ve all heard the cliché that leaders are made not born, but is that really true? As is the case with most well-worn sayings, there is both accuracy and exaggeration involved. What are the top leadership skills to develop –…

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Amazon Leadership Principles

Amazon has a market cap of almost $1 trillion (let that sink in for a minute!), making it one of the most valuable companies in the world by that metric. The meteoric rise of Amazon is due, at least in…

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What Are Soft Skills?

Soft skills are often overlooked by candidates vying to enter the consulting industry. It makes sense as so much emphasis is placed on the case interview during the consulting recruiting process. In any field, despite the importance of basic data…

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Problem Solving & Decision Making

Problem solving and decision making are important for every consultant, business, and person in the world. After all, in the end, aren’t all entities and individuals just a sum of their choices? We’ll spare you the philosophical lecture, but we…

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Business Writing: Definition, Tips, & Examples

If you write emails, create reports, produce memorandums, or anything similar at work, that means excelling at business writing is an important skill to have. The problem is that business writing isn’t really taught well or equally during university or…

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STAR Method: Should it be Used in Fit Interviews?

Preparing for behavioral interview questions can be challenging. There are endless potential questions that can be asked, so even starting to prepare for them can feel overwhelming. But just as there are strategies to prepare for the case interview, there…

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