Bain Recruiting: 8 Insider Secrets

This Bain recruiting information was shared with us by a former Bain consultant. They provided an insider’s perspective on recruiting at a top consulting firm, and the key differences between university recruiting and experienced hire recruiting. While the information is particular…

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Engineering To Consulting: Career Change Strategy

Going from engineering to consulting is a great move. That’s why we’ve created a series on entering consulting from “non-business” backgrounds – other posts include entering from liberal arts/humanities degrees and non-MBA grad schools. It’s very common for engineers to…

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Management Consulting versus Investment Banking

Management Consulting or Investment Banking? This is an important question for prospective applicants (in particular, undergrad/MBA students) looking for summer internships and full-time jobs alike. The decision was easier for Kevin (our founder) than for most people. The cons of…

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Management Consulting and the Consulting Industry 101

It seems like everyone these days is in management consulting – strategy consultants, business consultants, technology consultants, IT consultants, marketing consultants, and the list goes on and on. It’s a catch-all title for someone who gets paid to give their advice…

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