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Leavitt Partners

Salt Lake City, Utah

Leavitt Partners is a leading consulting firm driving change in the healthcare industry. With a focus on providing a comprehensive view of economic, market, public policy, and political influences, the firm helps clients navigate the uncertainties of today and achieve prosperity in the future.

Founded in 2009 by former Health & Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, the firm was inspired by the idea of creating a healthcare intelligence process similar to national intelligence services to advise decision-making. Over the years, Leavitt Partners expanded its services and acquisitions, establishing itself as a trusted partner in making health more accessible, effective, and sustainable.

Practice Areas

  • Federal Insights and Advocacy
  • D.C. Direct: Weekly Policy Intelligence
  • Member-based Alliances
  • Strategic Growth


(801) 538-5082
2750 E Cottonwood Parkway, Suite 100 Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121
Leavitt Partners Salary