The 3 Levels of Communication Skills Training

All strategic, operational, and financial success hinges on clear, effective communication. Can I get an amen, anyone who’s ever worked on a team? Even the most cutting-edge business strategy is meaningless if you can’t communicate it in a way that…

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Top 6 Leadership Skills for Managers

We’ve all heard the cliché that leaders are made not born, but is that really true? As is the case with most well-worn sayings, there is both accuracy and exaggeration involved. What are the top leadership skills to develop –…

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Amazon Leadership Principles

Amazon has a market cap of almost $1 trillion (let that sink in for a minute!), making it one of the most valuable companies in the world by that metric. The meteoric rise of Amazon is due, at least in…

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The Pyramid Principle Explained

If you’ve been around consulting for any amount of time, you’ve heard of The Pyramid Principle®, developed and popularized by Barbara Minto. In fact, we wrote a whole article on it. But, as always, there’s a deeper level to explore…

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The Pyramid Principle – Applied

  The Pyramid Principle® will help you drive action from key stakeholders and increase your organizational influence. What if we told you that there’s a better way to structure your presentations, meetings, and emails? One that will drive action and…

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