3 Main Types of Fit Interview Questions

The fit interview is like a behavioral interview for the consulting industry. Within that, there are distinct fit interview question types a candidate should be aware of. Today, we’re sharing about 3 types of fit interview questions. The direct questions,…

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Profitability Case Walkthrough- BCG Style

Profitability cases are very common in case interviews. Many businesses are looking to consultants to guide them toward increased profitability. That of course means firms are looking for candidates to be familiar with how to handle this type of case.…

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Winter 2014 East Coast Tour Recap

On our January 2014 Consulting Bootcamp tour, we travelled to several universities up and down the East Coast – Duke, Georgia Tech, UGA, Penn, Harvard, McGill, Dartmouth, Columbia, and Cornell. **** In the beginning of the trip, Jenny Rae was…

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Tour Recap – Day 7 (New York Consulting Bootcamp)

Welcome…to the final day, the crowning achievement, of our 2013 8-day East Coast (we counted our final travel day too). If you’re just joining us, check out Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown, Duke and Georgia Tech‘s highlights. **** To check out…

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Tour Recap – Day 6 (Harvard)

Welcome back to Tour Throwback Week. We hustled up and down the U.S. East Coast, visiting Georgia Tech, Duke, Georgetown, and Columbia, Yale, and Harvard. Check out our adventures and misadventures before reading today’s post. If you want a small group setting to accelerate your…

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Tour Recap – Day 5 (Yale)

Welcome back to Tour Throwback Week. We’re recapping our lives as road warriors via planes, trains and automobiles…we visited Georgia Tech, Duke, Georgetown, and Columbia before rolling over to today’s campus…Yale. If you missed us, we are generally funny. Go…

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Tour Recap – Day 4 (Columbia)

We’re on a Tour Throwback trip…welcome to Part 4. If you missed our recaps of Georgia Tech, Duke, or Georgetown, read those first. If you are just joining us, we are holding our next 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp in San Francisco on September…

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